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President: We must show extreme generosity to Palestinians




We, Maldivians, must show extreme generosity in assisting Palestinians, says President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, as the Maldives launched a nationwide fundraising telethon campaign under the slogan “Falastheenaa Eku Dhivehin,” which translates to “Maldivians in Solidarity with Palestine.”

The telethon, which began at 08:00 am on Wednesday, will continue until midnight.

Speaking at a ceremony held at the Public Service Media (PSM) headquarters in Male’ to launch the telethon, President Muizzu said the world cannot close its eyes to the atrocities taking place in Palestine, by dismissing it as a conflict between two foreign countries.

It is the duty of all Muslims to assist Palestine, he said.

President Muizzu made a donation at the ceremony, and asked others to do the same.

“I ask that we do everything we can for the Palestinian people. We must show extreme generosity,” he said.

“This is not a conflict between two countries. This is a great calamity facing the Islamic Ummah.”

President Muizzu noted that many people who had previously been silent on the issue were now speaking up for Palestine.

The Islamic Ummah must draw courage from this, and take the efforts to advocate for the rights of Palestinians to the next level, he said.

President Muizzu said that the Palestine conflict has escalated to an unprecedented level, and that no one should close their eyes to the dire situation.

“Being a Muslim means that a trouble that befalls one Muslim is shared by the entire Ummah. This is what our religion teaches us. Islam teaches us that believers are like one body; when any part aches, the whole body aches,” he said.

“It is my sincere appeal to all Maldivians, no matter where you are, regardless of which political party you belong to or what ideology you follow, to come and join this telethon.”

He asked Maldivians to make it the day Palestinians receive the greatest donations.

The “Falastheenaa Eku Dhivehin” telethon was organized by the PSM, in partnership with local media, including SSTV, at President Muizzu’s request.



Government announces health facility development in Hulhumale’ Stadium





Minister of Sports Abdulla Rafiu has revealed plans to establish a health facility at Hulhumale’ stadium, scheduled for implementation this month.

In an exclusive interview with PSM News, Minister Rafiu highlighted that integrating health facilities within sports stadiums aligns with national and international standards for sports venues. The initiative forms part of a broader effort by the Sports Ministry to enhance health services at sports facilities across the country. Minister Rafiu emphasised that the ministry is actively expanding its health infrastructure to meet these standards within a specified timeframe.

Underlining recent achievements in sports development over the past six months, Minister Rafiu also discussed plans for a comprehensive sports complex in Hulhumale’. This includes groundbreaking ceremonies expected for both the netball and futsal arenas by the year’s end, with detailed development currently in progress.

Meanwhile, the netball arena is to become a multi-sports complex, while the futsal arena will serve as a versatile venue for various activities. Additionally, the sports minister announced plans to develop a surfing arena in Male’ following the Maldives Pro Bodyboarding competition in August.

Source(s): PsmNews

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Government reaffirms commitment to fishermen’s concerns amid protests





Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Ahmed Shiyam has stated the administration will continue to address the demands and concerns of fishermen noting the administration is committed to solving every issue. His statement comes in response to a protest held by fishermen in Addu City.

In a social media post, Minister Shiyam emphasised the government has been closely monitoring the situation of fishermen even before the protest and will continue to do so. He highlighted that the administration and the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) have been actively sharing updates on their efforts to address the concerns raised by the fishing community.

In an interview with PSM News, Minister Shiyam revealed that he personally spoke with the organizers of the protest. He assured them the government is dedicated to fulfilling its promises to the fishermen.

The primary demands from the fishermen include the timely payment of money owed to them by the administration, specifically within 15 days of fish purchases. Minister Shiyam reiterated the government’s commitment to this issue, noting the tireless efforts being made to meet these demands.

He urged the fishermen to protest peacefully and to refrain from damaging government property. The current administration inherited a significant backlog of unpaid dues, totaling USD 16 million, from the previous administration. Since taking office, they have been working diligently to clear this backlog.

Last week, the government paid USD 2.98 million to the fishermen, with around USD 2.9 million still outstanding. To date, the administration has disbursed a total of USD 57 million to the fishermen.

The government remains committed to resolving these issues and supporting the fishing community, recognising their vital role in the nation’s economy and livelihood.

Source(s): PsmNews

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ACC does not intend to rely solely on the state budget: Shaamil





The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has emphasised its commitment to financial independence, asserting that it will not solely rely on state budgetary allocations. President Adam Shaamil highlighted this during an exclusive interview with PSM News.

Despite a substantial state allocation, Shaamil noted that 80 percent is consumed by employee salaries, office rent, and daily operational expenses, leaving a mere 20 percent for critical obligations such as corruption prevention, investigations, research, and policy formulation.

Shaamil emphasised the ACC’s collaboration with state institutions to achieve financial autonomy as a preventive measure against corruption. He also highlighted the Maldives’ participation in the International Convention against Corruption, underscoring collaborations with counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the UAE to address common financial challenges. Additionally, Shaamil announced plans to forge ties with the Indian Anti-Corruption Commission this year.

Despite these efforts, Shaamil acknowledged the ACC’s ongoing struggle to recruit necessary staff within the allocated budget. For 2024, ACC’s budget stands at USD 2.9 million, slightly lower than last year’s allocation of USD 3 million.

Source(s): PsmNews

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