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Government halts permits for Bangladeshi workers over invalid documents




Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has stopped issuing permits to bring in untrained Bangladeshi labourers after some companies submitted invalid documents.

Homeland ministry stated that the quota for untrained Bangladeshi workers has been suspended for a month now. It said that the quota was stopped after some companies were found to be bringing individuals with invalid documents. They also said that they were investigating the matter and would resume issuing quotas after the investigation. However, the ministry did not disclose further details.

The previous government stopped allowing untrained workers from Bangladesh in 2019. An amendment to the law set a maximum of 100,000 people from a single country to work as labourers in the Maldives in 2020. Since then, no further permits have been issued on the grounds that there are more than 100,000 Bangladeshi workers.

The government has confirmed the net number of Bangladeshi workers living both legally and illegally. Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan said there were a total of 90,624 Bangladeshi workers in the Maldives. In response to a question in Parliament in March, he said about 4,000 Bangladeshi workers had entered the country since the permits were issued.

Source(s): PsmNews

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Russia-Ukraine conflict: China urges U.S. to stop ‘unacceptable’ smears





China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations on Friday urged the United States to stop using the Ukraine issue as an excuse to smear China.

Geng Shuang said the U.S. side has spread the lie that China has supported Russia in its war efforts. “This is unacceptable,” he told a UN Security Council briefing on arms supplies to Ukraine.

China is neither the creator of the crisis in Ukraine, nor a party to it, he said, adding that China has always been pushing for a political settlement and for peace talks.

China has not provided lethal weapons to any party to the conflict, and has always strictly controlled dual-use items, Geng stressed.

He said that economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia complies with WTO and market rules, is not targeted against any third party and does not run counter to international law.

“As a matter of fact, since the outbreak of the war, the trade between the U.S. and Russia has also never stopped,” said Geng.

“This is nothing but hyping up,” he said. “It is an attempt to divert people’s attention on the conflict and creating differences.”

China urges the U.S. to stop using the Ukraine issue as an excuse to smear China and to impose unilateral sanctions and unreasonable suppression on Chinese companies, he said.

Geng also urged the U.S. to make real and positive efforts to end the war and restore peace.

Source(s): CGTN

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International Teachers Conference scheduled for September





The Ministry of Education has announced that the seventh International Teachers Conference will be held in Ukulhas, Alifu Alifu Atoll, this September.

Since 2012, the National Institute of Education has organized this biennial conference to foster a culture of research among teachers and education professionals. The upcoming conference is scheduled for September 28 to 30.

The event will provide a platform for teachers to discuss the challenges faced by educators, explore solutions, and exchange ideas on various ways to improve teaching. The education ministry emphasised that such conferences are crucial for attracting foreign education professionals to the Maldives and expanding academic tourism.

This year’s conference will feature presentations on topics such as inclusive education, curriculum development, professional teaching standards, the use of technology and modern tools in education, strengthening the teaching of Indigenous Islam and culture, addressing environmental changes, and educating students on personal responsibility.

Submissions for presenting papers are open until July 31.

The last conference, held in 2022 in Kulhudhuffushi, saw participation from over 220 teachers and scholars from both the Maldives and abroad.

Source(s): PsmNews

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AG: Passage of Israel passport ban bill verbatim could pose complications





Attorney General Ahmed Usham, underscoring the passage of bill that has been submitted to the parliament proposing amendments Immigration Act to ban Israeli passport holders from entering the Maldives verbatim pose complications, states the government will propose amendments to the bill.

Ruling PNC backed the bill submitted by opposition MDP’s South Galolhu MP Ahmed Meekail Naseem and voted in favor of accepting the bill on Monday’s sitting following which it has been forwarded to the National Security Services Committee (241 Committee) for review.

The government has come under intense scrutiny over the delays in the passage of the bill.

Responding to a question by a journalist during a press conference held by the Attorney General’s Office on Thursday to publicize the government’s legislative agenda – AG Usham underscored the possibility of certain complications if the Israeli passport ban bill is passed verbatim. Henceforth, he said amendments will be submitted in his capacity as the Attorney General following discussions with the Committee.

He also responded to another question from the journalist, stating Israeli passport cannot be banned through a presidential decree, adding it is not a power bestowed upon the president by the constitution.

“I don’t know who exactly said this, that it was a power bestowed upon the president by the constitution. The president is not bestowed such a power by the constitution. This can only be achieved by amending the law,” he said.

The bill submitted by MP Meekail proposes to add a provision to Article 8 of the Immigration Act, which lists individuals who are barred from entering the Maldives.

If it passes the final vote, the legislature will bar the entry of all Israeli passport holders, including those who have dual citizenship.

During the debate on whether to accept the bill, Deputy Speaker Nazim called for a more cautious approach.

He said the Parliament must consider potential economic and national security repercussions when changing the country’s laws.

Qasim, the leader of Jumhoory Party (JP), also urged caution.

Qasim said the Maldives shouldn’t ban Israeli passports without giving it “thorough consideration”, and suggested the MDP hadn’t given it proper thought before submitting the bill.

The war in Gaza erupted after Hamas’s October 7 attack, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,170 Israelis. Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed at least 37,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children.


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