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Government halts permits for Bangladeshi workers over invalid documents




Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology has stopped issuing permits to bring in untrained Bangladeshi labourers after some companies submitted invalid documents.

Homeland ministry stated that the quota for untrained Bangladeshi workers has been suspended for a month now. It said that the quota was stopped after some companies were found to be bringing individuals with invalid documents. They also said that they were investigating the matter and would resume issuing quotas after the investigation. However, the ministry did not disclose further details.

The previous government stopped allowing untrained workers from Bangladesh in 2019. An amendment to the law set a maximum of 100,000 people from a single country to work as labourers in the Maldives in 2020. Since then, no further permits have been issued on the grounds that there are more than 100,000 Bangladeshi workers.

The government has confirmed the net number of Bangladeshi workers living both legally and illegally. Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan said there were a total of 90,624 Bangladeshi workers in the Maldives. In response to a question in Parliament in March, he said about 4,000 Bangladeshi workers had entered the country since the permits were issued.

Source(s): PsmNews

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USD 844 million paid, without currency printing: President





President Mohamed Muizzu announced that a total of USD 844 million has been paid to various parties without resorting to currency printing since he took office seven months ago. This statement was made during the inauguration ceremony of the main ruling party People’s National Congress (PNC)’s headquarters, PNC House.

During his speech, President Muizzu emphasised the economic progress achieved in the initial months of his administration. He highlighted significant efforts to implement the declared economic strategy, noting that positive outcomes are already evident. He proudly stated that his administration’s decision to halt money printing has been praised by international monetary agencies. Criticizing the previous administration for printing more money to cover state expenses, he argued that it was not the best course of action.

President Muizzu also mentioned that his administration has stopped taking loans with heavy repayment requirements. Instead, they have managed to pay public and private companies and make loan repayments from generated revenue without incurring new debt or printing more money. The government has repaid USD 259.8 million of the USD 584 million owed to private companies, USD 454.6 million to public companies, and spent USD 175 million on loan repayments. Additionally, when President Muizzu took office, the Sovereign Development Fund had USD 2 million. Over the past seven months, his administration has deposited USD 54 million into the fund.

Reiterating his administration’s commitment to achieving the development goals desired by the public, President Muizzu leveraged the party’s super majority in the parliament. He addressed opposition attempts to undermine the administration’s economic achievements, urging the ruling party to actively share the details of their work with the public through the PNC House.

President Muizzu concluded by affirming that his administration will work tirelessly to fulfill the economic agenda promised during the presidential campaign, maintaining a steadfast approach without any changes.

Source(s): PsmNews

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Rising conflict in Gaza sparks regional spillover and humanitarian crisis





An Israeli air strike on a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) facility in western Gaza City killed five Palestinians on Sunday, local sources reported. The attack targeted a vocational college in northern Gaza, causing extensive damage and several injuries.

Those injured were transported to Baptist Hospital in central Gaza City. The Israeli military did not immediately comment on the incident.

As of Sunday, the ongoing conflict has resulted in a death toll of 37,598 Palestinians since October 2023. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated on Sunday that its operations are continuing in the southern and central regions of the Gaza Strip as part of a large-scale offensive against Hamas.

Gallant meets Biden officials in D.C.

In a related development, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant flew to Washington, D.C., on Sunday to meet senior Biden administration officials to discuss the conflicts with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Before departing for the U.S., Gallant issued a statement saying that Israel is prepared to take any necessary actions in Gaza, Lebanon, and other regions. He mentioned that he would be meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Gallant’s visit came as Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, repeated his claim on Sunday that the Biden administration was presiding over a “dramatic drop” in arms shipments to Israel over the past few months. He mentioned that while deliveries had arrived sporadically, overall munitions remained largely delayed.

Netanyahu stated that Israel had approached the U.S. multiple times about the issue but received no substantial change despite various explanations. Previously, he criticized the Biden administration for allegedly withholding weapons and ammunition, a claim denied by the White House. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated they were unaware of what Netanyahu was referring to.

Netanyahu also announced on Sunday that the phase of intense fighting against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is nearing its end. However, he emphasized that the war will not conclude until Hamas no longer controls the Palestinian enclave.

After the intense fighting in Gaza subsides, Netanyahu said that Israel would be able to deploy more forces to the northern border with Lebanon, where clashes with Iran-backed Hezbollah have intensified.

Spillover effects

Meanwhile, on Sunday, the Houthi group claimed responsibility for attacks on two cargo ships, the Transworld Navigator in the Red Sea and the Stolt Sequoia in the Indian Ocean, using unmanned boats and cruise missiles.

It said these actions were in response to the ships violating the group’s opposition to entering Israeli ports. The Yemeni government confirmed that the Transworld Navigator was damaged but continued to its destination with no reported injuries. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations also reported an incident involving a ship impacted by an unmanned aerial system.

These attacks are part of a broader Houthi campaign against vessels linked to Israel amid ongoing conflicts, which began in November 2023, targeting ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Diplomatic efforts amidst ongoing conflict

On the diplomatic front, Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi met with German Bundestag member Aydan Ozoguz on Sunday to discuss halting the aggression in Gaza and addressing the resulting humanitarian crisis.

The two sides focused on joint cooperation in providing sufficient and sustainable humanitarian aid to Gaza, which has been experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis since the war began.

Safadi called for immediate international action to stop Israeli aggression and violations of international law, warning of a worsening humanitarian disaster that has reached the brink of famine due to the ongoing aggression and the prevention of the necessary amount of aid from entering and being distributed, as well as its failure to fulfill its legal obligations as the occupying power.

Source(s): CGTN

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No getting even in politics, but action against crime: President





President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu on Sunday evening, has assured the spirit of settling scores is no longer in politics, but taking necessary action will be taken indiscriminately against those committing criminal offenses.

The Maldives head of state made the remarks at the ceremony held to open the ‘PNC House’ – the ruling party’s office at Henveiru.

While speaking at the ceremony, President Muizzu assured he has eliminated political score settling aligned with the public’s wishes.

“As long as the public are with us, there will not be any spirit of exacting political retaliation,” President Muizzu reiterated in his speech.

He further said there will be no room for corruption and theft during his presidency, assuring that justice will prevail. President Muizzu assured he will be proactive in taking action against those who commit such crimes.

Highlighting he will not tolerate abuse of power and illicit profiteering, President Muizzu said intervention to this should not be regarded as getting even but rather, upholding justice.

“So, we will take necessary action indiscriminately against those who lead state-owned enterprises or other agencies during former government after thorough investigations,” President Muizzu commented.

While noting it has been seven months and five days since the new government came to power, President Muizzu said their output has been positive.

Dr. Muizzu urged his party members and supporters to continue fighting and advocating the truth.

“I urge to use this avenue to disclose truth about the falsehood and lies spread by our opposition, whose only job appears to spreading lies and fallacies against us using various channels and mediums. I ask from you all to challenge such attempts and remain committed to the truth,” President said.

PNC’s new party office was opened in the same venue which previously housed opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s primary hub for years before the venue was later used by former President Mohamed Nasheed led The Democrats.

Though The Democrats had heightened presence ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections, its activities significantly diminished following back-to-back defeats at the elections.

Following its defeat, the party had no significant movement politically after which the ruling party took over the said party hub.


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